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What To Know Before You Rent

In Texas, apartments are legally required to share their qualifying rental criteria before you apply. Carefully review these criteria to avoid the risk of application denial. This law helps you assess your chances of approval and save money on non-refundable fees. Stay informed and make informed decisions.

Application Process

Be prepared to complete a rental application, which typically includes providing personal information, employment details, references, and consent for a background and credit check.

Photo Identification

You will need a valid driver's license or government-issued ID.

Occupancy Limit

Typically, it is 2 people per bedroom, and some apartments may have exceptions for infants up to a certain age.

Income Requirement

Most apartments require you to earn at least 3 times the rent amount. They usually accept recent pay stubs or an offer of employment letter as proof of income.

Credit Requirements

Each apartment varies in how they evaluate credit, considering factors like debt-to-income ratio and bill payment history rather than just the actual credit score.

Rental History Provision

Good rental history is generally required, without late payments, broken leases, or evictions. Some apartments offering second chance leasing may consider certain rental issues over a specific period or set a limit on rental debt.

Pet Policy

Apartments usually have a limit of 2 pets per unit and may have breed and weight restrictions.

Criminal Background Provision

Some apartments have restrictions on applicants with certain criminal backgrounds, considering factors like the time elapsed since the charge and the nature of the offense.

Ready to Get Started?

Let Glazer Realtors assist you in starting your rental home search. Our team has the experience and resources to simplify the process. From apartments to condos to houses, we have access to a wide range of rentals. Let's collaborate and find your perfect rental home together.

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